National Winner


Kuno is a sustainable cooler fridge that requires ZERO electrical power to run!

  • Kuno is a free energy cooler fridge that lets you grow plant while keeping stored food stays fresh.

  • Size Comparison.

  • Ideation Sketches.

  • How it works. Section View.

  • Exploded View.

What it does

Kuno is a sustainable and eco-friendly cooler fridge that requires ZERO electrical power in keeping fruits and vegetables fresh and last longer than usual in a hot and dry climate.

Your inspiration

16% of the world’s population-an estimation of 1.2 billion people still lack access to electricity. Keeping food fresh is always a concern among countries that have limited use of electricity. However, even with countries that have a total reliance on electrical power usage, electrical power cut may still occur unexpectedly. It began just by looking centuries ago, Labu Sayong a traditional water pitcher moulded from the earth clay that effectively cools down the water naturally. With the help of natural resources and the traditional method of doing it, it’s possible to reduce the carbon footprints that we have caused to our environment.

How it works

With the traditional use of clay, and techniques of double-wall potting, sand is filled in the passage in-between both walls, then water will be poured to soak in the sand. With the help of the porous outer clay wall and evaporative cooling principle, the evaporation of the water will then draw the heat from the inner chamber by releasing it through the natural quality of the porous clay. This natural phenomenon will bring down the temperature and cools the food that’s stored in the inner core for an extended time. Besides, the edible plant will be soil planted by just routinely watering the plant, water will flow through the passage for the evaporative cooling process to take place.

Design process

We started with mind-mapping to identify the current issue with poverty that led to problems with countries that have no access to electricity. Brainstorming and research were done to incorporate the elements of sustainable materials and the study of natural renewable energy sources to make the whole idea possible. Ideation sketches and sketch development stages were done accordingly. Temperature testing results were also being referred and put into consideration in which a suitable choice of materials to be used.

How it is different

Kuno uses the plantation and evaporative cooling combo in reducing the temperature drop and a modern take in adopting the use of sustainable materials. While the other uses the non-eco-friendly way of adopting the use of plastic material in making it which is not very sustainable. Furthermore, the use of plastic with open holes would not be as effective as the porous nature of clay in making the temperature drop. Kuno opens the possibility for people to grow their plant while helping to keep the food fresh and last longer.

Future plans

Over 300 years old of cottage industry are stagnant without fresh innovation for them to make. To stimulate the cottage industry, the success of Kuno that can be produced in a smaller scale and made by hands will bring them a chance to revitalize their income and generate job opportunities, sustaining a livelihood. Next planning is in allocating a fund into further material research, prototyping with various sizes, testing under different weather conditions and regions, collaboration with local pottery makers in creating small scale production for market testing and then to be delivered to suitable regions to fully kickstart the use of Kuno.



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