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IMPAKT is a sustainable and ecological alternative for the plastic wrapping foil used to secure pallet loads.

What it does

In the current logistics market, pallets are transported using plastic wrapping foil. This leads to tons of waste which IMPAKT can solve. By wrapping the pallet in a reusable tarp, you can reduce your plastic waste amounts and go green.

Your inspiration

During our study product design we had an assignment to analyze a problem in Colruyt. Immediately we noticed that they have a giant pile of plastic waste. When we asked about it to an external transport of them, they mentioned that they have 30 tons of waste yearly just from the wrapping foil. We found it strange that there were almost no alternatives on the market, and decided to create one ourselves. With the current climate problems and the rapid pile up of plastic waste, we believe NOW is the time to make change.

How it works

IMPAKT consists of two main parts: a metal "foot" and a tarp made from a waste stream. It also uses buckles and a clips. To operate the product you need a fully loaded pallet. First you attach the metal foot on the middle block of the pallet's shortest side. Afterwards you roll the tarp around the pallet load until you are halfway through. Here you need to attach a small clips on the bottom to the pallet. Keep rolling until the load is fully covered. Now you can temporarily attack the loose end to the starting point by velcro. This is done so you have both hands free to attach and tighten the buckles. Go to the back of the pallet and attach the last buckle. Now the pallet is completely secured and ready for transport. The entire process takes 1:30 minutes and can be attached faster than the plastic wrapping foil by machine.

Design process

We started out with a concept that used a regular textile, an elastic and velcro to surround the pallet load. We soon realized that this would never be strong enough to keep it secured during a transport. We then started redesigning and wanted to "mount" the system on to the pallet somehow. This is the starting point of our metal foot. The current idea was to mount the foot on the right block of the pallet on the short side, but this interfered with closing the tarp. the current design is to attach the foot to the middle block. In the meantime we noticed a waste stream, those of truck tarps to use as our textile. This was however a really heavy material and through exploration we found another waste stream of advertisement banners. Afterwards we did a lot of iterations on the foot until recently, where we have created our final shape. Our main struggle here was to create a part that could withstand different forces. We explored different ways to create enough stability for the pallet load and saw that buckles were our best option. When testing we noticed the back of the pallet was not secured well, so we attached one buckle at the back together with a clips. Right now we have 20 tarps and are ready to order 20 feet. This will enable us to test the whole process in the market.

How it is different

There are almost no alternatives on the market, especially in Belgium. Those that are on the market are clumsy and not ergonomic in use. By using our foot, we have developed an ergonomic and efficient system to apply a cover to a pallet. IMPAKT is made from a waste stream of banners and an overproduction of seat belts. Because of the reusability of IMPAKT it will be implemented in a circular economy. The retail often works with a closed transportation loop which is ideal for implementing IMPAKT.

Future plans

We currently have ordered our final foot for testing. When this passes our test we will order 20 pieces and test 20 IMPAKT in a closed transportation loop with a partner. Afterwards we hope to sell the product on the market under our own company "Tillup". In the future we will also outsource some more sophisticated test to calculate the strength IMPAKT and for completely validating the product in the market.


Honorable mention OVAM ecodesign 2020 Textirama foundation award 2021 Stichting toekomstige generaties: "prototyping the future"

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