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National Runner Up

Hive Station

Modular, multi-functional and multi-vehicle station for the safe and comfortable transport of pedestrians.

  • Hive Station

What it does

It is a modular transportation station that offers people different possibilities for their mobility (uber, cab, bus and bike), through a technological space that has interactive tools to improve the efficiency and safety of the space.

Your inspiration

The concpet comes from a school project where we chose the category of urban furniture design, with the condition of generating a social impact. Throughout the development of the concept, we as a team defined certain key aspects that would function as a purpose or guide to steer the direction of the project; which were the following: innovative, multifunctional, sustainable, inclusive, safe and modular. Once these aspects were established, we carried out a research project in which we observed a growing problem due to the excessive use of automobiles and how this affects the growth of cities.

How it works

The station fulfills different functions which are: Sunflower system It is a system that consists of different solar panels placed on the structure of the different modules that feed the functionalities of the station. These panels move looking for the most suitable angle to take advantage of the greatest solar energy. Illuminated signs for vehicle identification. Light signals that change color (green=uber, red=taxi, blue=bus) to perceive the type of vehicle approaching the station. Interactive displays Displays located in each module with the purpose of informing the route status of the possible transports to be used, as well as the ability to contact the authorities in case of a risk situation. Inclusive space The station has a designated space for people in wheelchairs, as well as a textured path to guide blind people and sound to inform the approach of transportation.

Design process

Our design process was based on the HCD (Human Centered Design), whose stages are as follows: Listen In this stage we conducted a research exercise, using as sources: academic papers, projects, videos, documentaries and interviews with experts. What we were looking for were the most recurrent problems that affected people when using both transportation and urban furniture. Create Once the most common adversities were located, we defined the points we wanted our project to accomplish. We developed multiple sketches, from which we selected 3 finalists, which would help us define the final concept. Once the final concept was defined, we started to generate the definitive proposal through digital models that would allow us to explain the project in a simple and graphic way. Delivery Finally, in the last stage, we proposed the presentation, exhibition and explanation of the product, so that anyone could understand the objective and its function.

How it is different

The differentiating features of our project are the ease of installation in cities due to its modularity and easily accessible materials. In addition, our proposal provides safety and ease of use to the user through the implementation of technologies, considering sustainability.

Future plans

The future proposal of our project is that it be presented to different local governments and thus achieve its implementation in cities that have the need for an improved and revitalized public transportation system in order to encourage its use, and in the same way reduce the excessive use of automobiles.


This project was recognized as the most outstanding in an intra-campus human-centered design competition at the Universidad Panamericana campus Aguascalientes.

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