National Runner Up

Thermal Floater

It is an innovative, environmentally friendly device that converts solar-thermal energy into electricity, providing a cost-effective and land-independent solution for renewable energy generation.

What it does

The Thermal Floater is a modular floating renewable energy device that converts the Sun's heat very efficiently and cost-effectively without using valuable land area, unlike solar & wind farms, for widespread adoption of renewable energy at 0.64$/Watt.

Your inspiration

We were driven to solve the problem of frequent blackouts and unreliable electricity supply in our hometown, which only worsened during lockdowns. We realized that although there are various methods of renewable energy generation, none of them provided a consistent and regular supply of electricity. This led us to research the challenges associated with renewable energy, and we discovered that it is often very expensive to set up, and requires a significant amount of land, which is scarce in densely populated areas. Frustrated and unable to find a suitable, affordable, and compact alternative, we took it upon ourselves to develop a solution.

How it works

The Thermal Floater works on the Seebeck Effect using a special device called a thermoelectric peltier that converts heat into electrical energy. Initially, the light from the sun is converged using a geodesic Fresnel lens onto a conductive surface like copper which is in contact with a custom peltier module. The peltier module when provided by a hot and cold side, creates a temperature differential that generates electrons. The peltier is made with a specific combination of materials to optimize its performance and is designed to cool down using a connected heatsink immersed in the water body it floats on. The whole device is kept afloat on water and is designed to withstand waves using a modular hollow casing. It allows for multiple thermal floaters to be connected together, and power can be drawn from an array using a single connector. Each module is as small as 20 cm x 20 cm and can produce 540W in a day with 10 hours of sunlight at just 0.64 $ per Watt.

Design process

We conducted interviews with individuals facing energy challenges and gathered valuable insights. The initial prototypes faced stability issues in water and captured only a fraction of the sunlight. Determined to improve, we incorporated a concave mirror with a convex lens, but it overshadowed neighbouring modules. After numerous iterations, a hemispherical concave lens proved effective. Seeking feedback from potential users, we received suggestions to enhance portability and cost-effectiveness without compromising efficiency. Collaborating with mentors and teammates, we devised a custom peltier module & a geodesic Fresnel lens to concentrate sunlight on the hot plate while ensuring light could reach adjacent modules. The hollow tubular membranes were redesigned into a hexagonal shape inspired by the stability of honeycombs, ensuring durability in dynamic ocean environments. Modularity became a key aspect, allowing customized configurations for different locations. Multiple units could be combined to form extensive floating facilities, increasing power generation capacity and ensuring even current distribution throughout the array. Heatsinks underwent significant changes, evolving from extended fins to a stamped fins radiator model thereby optimizing cooling efficiency.

How it is different

The Thermal Floater offers a unique solution to the challenges of space constraints, efficiency, and reliability in renewable energy generation. Its small and modular design allows for installation in various bodies of water, eliminating the need for land space. With 3 times the efficiency of solar panels, providing significantly more electricity from the same size footprint. The Thermal Floater is also competitively priced, making it accessible to a wider range of customers, including the common man, resulting in a large user base, With a cost per watt of $0.64, it already offers a lower price compared to solar panels at 1$/Watt, and ongoing technological advancements promise even higher efficiency, potentially reaching up to 1430 W/day or 9 times more efficient than solar panels. These unique features position the Thermal Floater as an attractive and cost-effective option for power corporations and customers seeking renewable energy solutions.

Future plans

We aim to collaborate with specialized companies in mass manufacturing to create real prototype models and acquire the necessary equipment for accurate testing. This includes manufacturing a set of metal prototypes to assess manufacturing issues and refine the design. To protect our innovation, we will file a patent to secure intellectual property rights. Additionally, we will seek funding opportunities to support further research and development efforts. With a digital prototype and proof of concept established, securing funding will enable the transition to physical prototypes and rigorous testing for assessing real-life stresses and loads.


• Children's Climate Prize: Awarded the First Prize • Samsung Solve For Tomorrow: Shortlisted as one of the Top 30 teams. • Youth Ideathon: Recognized as the State Winner. • Entrepreneurship Campus: Achieved the People's Choice Prize. • Young Eco-Hero Awards: Honorable Mention Winner


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