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Neonatal incubator that improves care technology, relieving financial and emotional burdens. Reduces length of medical care, allowing parents to focus on the well-being of the newborn.

  • NeoShell the neonatal incubator.

  • First prototype and compararison with an existing incubator.

  • Different dome positions.

  • External tilting system of the incubator.

  • Visits we made to the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona.

What it does

NeoShell takes care of premature babies. It is a neonatal incubator that improves accessibility and easens medical procedures, promoting proper development and reducing the risk of infection.

Your inspiration

Our inspiration for NeoShell came after several visits to the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, where we observed the challenges in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). We were moved by the difficulties with humidity control, cleaning and medical procedures. Motivated by this, we interviewed nurses and doctors to learn about their experiences and needs. Thus NeoShell was born: a comprehensive solution to improve neonatal care and facilitate the work of medical staff. Our goal is to prioritise the well-being of babies, alleviate financial and emotional burdens for families, and significantly improve the experience and outcomes in the NICU

How it works

NeoShell works by means of a double dome that allows full access to the patient from all angles, thus facilitating medical procedures. Its electronically controlled external tilt system improves safety by preventing the limbs of the newborn from being trapped between the bed and the dome. This same tilt also simplifies access to the necessary medical equipment, and makes it easy to clean, simplifying procedures and care of the baby. The oval domes prevent the accumulation of water vapour and harmful droplets and are polarisable to protect babies' sensitive eyes. NeoShell facilitates medical care with integrated fixings for breathing and feeding tubes, ensuring efficient management of the necessary cables. Finally, NeoShell incorporates a table, eliminating the need for additional tables. This design aims for the baby's comfort and minimises the risk of infection.

Design process

The development of NeoShell was structured in three key stages. During the initial phase, we conducted research in collaboration with the hospital to understand the needs of premature babies and medical staff. In the second stage, after meeting with the hospital's technical and medical teams, we generated multiple concepts to address the challenges identified. Through collaborative sessions and meetings, we evaluated each proposal according to technical, medical and industrial feasibility criteria. We presented three final prototypes and selected one, integrating the most promising features of the other two to create NeoShell. We chose the materials and defined the internal mechanisms of the incubator, guided by clinical standards and common practices. Finally, we focused our efforts on the potential industrialisation of NeoShell, adapting the manufacturing processes for each part. This phase sought to optimise costs and obtain the best quality for the final product. We made a final prototype at 1:1 scale and, subsequently, an improved functional prototype. This process demonstrates our commitment to user-centred innovation by transforming ideas into practical solutions in a hospital environment.

How it is different

NeoShell is an incubator that stands out for its innovations. Its adjustable double dome system not only facilitates medical interventions and improves cleaning, but also incorporates an oval dome that prevents water droplets from falling on babies. In addition, the polarised domes allow for proper eye development, something that other incubators do not offer. In addition, NeoShell facilitates care for both medical staff and babies with built-in fixings for breathing and feeding tubes. The integrated table eliminates the need for additional furniture, simplifying medical procedures. The innovative nest design (the pillow around the baby) with Velcro, enhances comfort and addresses problems such as plagiocephaly and suffocation. The round shape of the dome evokes the womb, creating a more homely environment. This design represents a major breakthrough in neonatal care.

Future plans

Our future plans for NeoShell are ambitious. We are working on two fronts: firstly, a full-scale working prototype to thoroughly test the design, and secondly, finding a way to commercialise it. NeoShell will have to pass rigorous medical tests, such as approval from medical regulatory affairs (FDA), as well as filing patents. We are exploring the possibility of collaborating with leading neonatal incubator manufacturers to take the next steps.


NeoShell has been awarded a number of prestigious awards: Gold Medal at the ADI Awards. 1st Prize at the ei! Awards for the Best Technological Final Degree Project. Honourable mentions at the Design Intelligence Award and at the SDGs Design International Awards in the "Sustainable Design for Children and Health" category.

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