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Meet Binko: an AI-powered recycling robot that auto-recognizes, crushes, and sorts waste with great precision.

  • Meet Binko an AI-powered recycling robot that auto-recognizes, crushes, and sorts waste!

What it does

Binko's innovative machine eliminates sorting errors, cuts transport costs, and boosts recycling rates in public spaces. Plus, my free "Yuka of recycling" app empowers European citizens to recycle correctly, ensuring a error-free experience.

Your inspiration

My inspiration came from witnessing the effectiveness of waste sorting at source in Milan. Despite France's potential to recycle 81% of household waste, only 26% was actually recycled in 2021 (Eurostat). This staggering gap motivated me to tackle the issue. I realized that reducing recycling costs, improving material quality, educating citizens, and minimizing waste production were key to bridging this gap. Binko was born from this vision, aiming to revolutionize waste sorting with AI-powered technology. My compact machine is introducing a modern approach to an age-old problem.

How it works

Binko's innovative solution combines a smart machine and a smartphone app, powered by a cutting-edge waste recognition software. This software can identify over 2.6 million waste items through any camera, using barcode scanning and image recognition. The machine recognizes waste, crushes it into small pieces, and sorts it into one of seven transparent compartments. My reusable, washable, and trackable compartments optimize logistics, making waste transportation more efficient and cost-effective. The app, launching in September, provides users with precise sorting information via photo recognition, a map of nearby recycling bins, and reminders to never forget to take out your trash and much more. By combining AI-powered technology with a user-friendly approach, Binko shapes the future of recycling !

Design process

My conception process began with a concept for individual households, but soon shifted to a larger, 1m² x 1.85m companies model, driven by demand from potential customers. I researched existing technologies, assessing feasibility, costs, and materials. Next, I focused on developing the software, the machine's core, working on AI, waste databases, and sorting criteria for France. After a year of software development, I moved on to machine design using Solidworks, testing and refining each component. I broke down the process into 'bricks': waste recognition, size reduction, sorting, and logistics. I prototyped each part, refined them, and I am now, June – July, integrating them into a single cohesive structure, ensuring a functional and cost-effective machine. I have secured partnerships with the City of Paris and a shopping center to test my solution in real-world large-scale conditions, aiming to perfect the machine before industrialization.

How it is different

What sets Binko apart is its game-changing, holistic approach to waste sorting. Unlike fragmented solutions that focus on specific aspects, my innovative technology provides precise, personalized sorting information, detects residues, and separates components. This comprehensive solution transforms the recycling industry, yielding higher-quality recyclables and significant cost savings. My strategic partnerships with industry leaders like Citeo and the city of Versailles validate my vision and credibility. With Binko, I am not just improving waste management – I am pioneering a circular economy. My free smartphone app empowers individuals to make a difference, and my solution has been proven to reduce waste management costs by 36.1% and multiply recycling rates by 270% in public spaces. Get ready for a revolution in waste sorting!

Future plans

After 3 years of dedication, learning and sweat, I've built a functional prototype, but I know it's just the beginning. Following the Paris Olympics installation, I will leverage precious feedback. Then I will be seeking expertise to perfect my design, making it durable, eco-friendly, and efficient. With the James Dyson Award, I'll secure the funding to build a pre-industrialized version, paving the way for mass production. This is a game-changer for Binko, for me, and might shape future of recycling. By choosing me, you'll be investing in a revolutionary solution that will transform the industry and showcase innovation at its best.


Award-winning innovation: Binko has won 3 competitions (Start’in ESS, Pépite, Act for Impact). We've showcased our solution to key stakeholders like the Saint-Lazare train station, Rugby World Cup, and Versailles. This momentum demonstrates our potential for impact. With your support, I can take Binko to the next level.

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