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National Winner


“See the Unseen” — A flexible, intelligent and near real-time underground monitoring system that can be installed in any environment, especially urban areas, to view a video of the subsurface.

  • RAMUN — Resistivity Acquisition and Monitoring of the UNderground

  • See how and why RAMUN seeks to "See the Unseen"

    See how and why RAMUN seeks to "See the Unseen"

  • How RAMUN works (part 1)

  • How RAMUN works (part 2)

  • The RAMUN journey (so far)

  • RAMUN's benefits

What it does

RAMUN allows engineers, decision makers, environmentalists, etc. to see the events that takes place at the subsurface via a “video”. Seeing these subsurface events addresses various sustainability problems like groundwater pollution and infrastructure health.

Your inspiration

Many are unaware and blind to the several risks and opportunities happening beneath our feet. The subsurface is invisible to our naked eyes where it's hard to see a lot of hazards like pollution and sinkholes (before it happens) that needs to be managed, and a lot of opportunities that can be tapped such as artificial recharge (flood control) and thermal storage (energy). Current existing technologies are not ideal to see the subsurface of urban settings comprehensively 24/7 like a CCTV. Inspired from these risks and potentials under our feet, RAMUN encourages and maximizes the implementation of existing and future underground technologies.

How it works

RAMUN consists of multiple decentralized sensors installed and deployed at the site. The receiver sensors, fixed to the road, autonomously records the voltage response from the current injection of either ERT transmitter or CRI transmitter depending on the scheduled measurement method namely static mode and dynamic mode. The ERT transmitter, fixed on utility poles and provides status to all sensors, injects direct current during the static mode which is often done every set hours (ie high temporal data). The CRI transmitter moves along the site at small step increments (ie high spatial data) as it injects alternating current during the dynamic mode which is done on a set day of the week/month. The combined high spatial and high temporal data obtained by RAMUN is sent to a central server for data processing where the developed software produces a timelapse subsurface resistivity map which is coined the “video”.

Design process

It all started when I was learning to operate an electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) device and replicated its design which is a centralized line-ERT. However, I noticed several issues with existing the design when used for long-term monitoring in urban setups. The major problem is the use of many wires to connect electrodes which has challenges in installation (lack of space and hiding the wires) and performance (crosstalk and noise pickup). With that, the decentralized design came to light. The first decentralized concept included all functionalities of the receiver and transmitter on one sensor unit. With consideration on the cost and size, RAMUN further decentralized the functions with the sensors only as receivers and two types of transmitters (ERT and CRI) for providing temporal and spatial resolutions. After multiple prototypes of the concept, exhaustive tests were done on the sandbox where the system was validated successfully in the lab, being able to generate the “video” in multiple scenarios. Along the way, we had demonstrated the system from partners and visitors in the academe, industry and government where their feedback shaped RAMUN. Now, we adapted the lab validated prototype into its target forms for further testing in the real world.

How it is different

Compared to existing electrical resistivity underground monitoring system based on a line electrode design, RAMUN’s sensors are decentralized allowing it to operate on its own and be placed anywhere onsite. This solves installation issues in the urban setting where allowed space is limited. The decentralized approach of the sensors made it possible to make its physical form compliment the setting. The receivers as solar road studs and static transmitter as panel box on utility poles makes it aesthetic in urban areas with no messy wires as existing systems. The decentralized design also allows faster data acquisition which achieves near real-time data monitoring. Another uniqueness of RAMUN is in its measurement method (static and dynamic) where it achieves both high spatial and high temporal data without sacrificing the quality of the “video”. RAMUN’s “video” is more intuitive than existing charts of other systems to see the events of the subsurface.

Future plans

After validating the design in lab, RAMUN is now developing the final form of the system to work in the target setting (urban area) and is planning to perform another round of exhaustive tests and redesign to meet target specs and functions. While doing that, I hope that a dedicated team can be formed to not only drive development but also educate the public and reach out to potential stakeholders on the importance of monitoring the subsurface. In the end, RAMUN wants its sensors to be installed in every road, parking spaces, and buildings so that we can “See the Unseen” and uncover the potentials of the subsurface for a sustainable future.


1. 1st Place. 19th DSP Creative Design Contest. International Level. Hosted by Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology in support with Taiwan Ministry of Education 2. Outstanding Master Thesis Award. De La Salle University-Manila 3. Funding awarded thru DOST-ERDT 4. Multiple conferences and journals published

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