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Water filtration system for emerging compounds, entirely plastic-free.

Ce qu'il fait

Drop! offers innovative and eco-friendly water filtration fountains without plastic or cartridges. It addresses the critical issue of water pollution by providing a sustainable solution that effectively removes pesticides and chemicals from tap water.

Votre source d'inspiration

The inspiration for Drop! came from witnessing numerous water pollution scandals involving pesticides and chemicals that alarmed my close ones. As a student, I realized that existing solutions were either ineffective, relied heavily on plastic, or were too complex and expensive to maintain. This drove me to create a Low-Tech, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing water filtration system that doesn't use plastic or cartridges, ensuring everyone can have access to pure and safe drinking water. The goal was to design a practical and beautiful solution that addresses a fundamental need while promoting environmental responsibility.

Comment ça marche

1. The Vortex: Fill the glass sphere with tap water while blocking the small hole at the bottom with your finger. Swirl the water to create a vortex, which aerates and oxygenates it, improving taste and reducing chlorine 2. The Filtration: Drop! uses a high-quality activated charcoal filter impregnated with silver ions to prevent bacterial growth. This filter effectively removes pesticides, chemicals, and other emerging pollutants (metabolites, THMs, PFAS) while maintaining the water's natural minerals. It takes less than two minutes to filter one liter of water. The charcoal needs replacement only once a month, costing less than €30 annually. The used charcoal can be repurposed in the garden. 3. The Design: Drop! fountains are aesthetically pleasing and made from durable materials designed to be modular and efficiency repaired, ensuring longevity and waste reduction.

Processus de conception

In 2019, widespread news about water pollution scandals alarmed many, including my mother. Her concern for tap water safety inspired me to find a solution. I realized no existing products met our needs for efficiency, sustainability, and aesthetics. 2020: Initial Concept After analyzing the market, I found no product combining scientific efficiency, plastic-free design, and visual appeal. Motivated, I created the first prototype of Drop!, winning the Prix Pépite Normandie. This recognition encouraged me to pursue the project further. 2021-2022: R&D As a student, I focused on extensive R&D, conducting numerous tests and building prototypes. Taking a gap year allowed me to perfect the Drop! system through relentless trial and error. 2023: Validation In 2023, I joined Normandie Incubation and founded the company. At two events, over 300 people tasted our water with positive feedback. Our crowdfunding on KissKissBankBank exceeded 260% of our goal with 124 contributions. 2024: Market Launch This year marks the delivery of our first units to customers, with a production series planned for September. The journey from concept to reality has been challenging yet rewarding, driven by the desire to provide a sustainable and efficient water filtration solution.

En quoi est-il différent ?

1. No Plastic: Unlike traditional filters, Drop! uses no plastic components or disposable cartridges. Our system uutilizesa specific activated charcoal that is replaced monthly and can be repurposed in the garden. 2. Vortex Technology: The creation of a vortex aerates and oxygenates the water, improving its taste and reducing chlorine. This simple yet effective mechanism sets Drop! apart from other filtration methods. 3. Sustainable Design: Made from durable materials Drop! is designed for longevity and ease of repair. The modular design ensures that each part can be easily replaced, for a zero-waste philosophy. 100% made in France. 4. Exceptional Efficiency: Drop! excels in removing not only common contaminants but also emerging compounds such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals. Our activated charcoal filter is specially designed to tackle harmful substances like chlorothalonil metabolites, THMs, and PPFA, ensuring the best water possible.

Plans pour l'avenir

1. Product Expansion: We aim to develop additional models of Drop! fountains to cater to various customer needs, including different sizes and designs for homes, offices, and public spaces. 2. Sustainability Initiatives: We are committed to enhancing our sustainability efforts by exploring new materials and methods to further reduce our environmental impact. This includes developing a take-back program for used filters and partnering with environmental organizations. Our ultimate goal is to make Drop! a household name synonymous with clean, sustainable, and beautifully designed water filtration solutions, using the magic of water.


- Pépite Normandie 2020 - CIC Business Awards Est selection - Crédit Mutuel Normandie selection - La Banque Postale selection

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