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Energy Recovery System for Elevators

The project designs a retrofittable energy recovery system for existing elevators to address the problem of wasted energy dissipated as heat through braking resistors in elevators.

  • The device is depicted retrofitted to an existing control-roomless elevator system.

  • A diagram demonstrating the different modes of energy flow operation when the device is installed.

  • A detailed circuit schematic of the existing elevator system with the energy recovery system(blue).

  • The housing sheet metal CAD design ready for manufacture.

  • Complete CAD model showing key components: housing, supercapacitor bank, DC-DC converter.

Ce qu'il fait

This system will recover and store a percentage of the energy when an elevator's motor is working in generator mode and typically loses this energy. This saved energy will then be used in the motor stage of the elevator, reducing energy consumption overall.

Votre source d'inspiration

Energy use in commercial buildings represents 30% of global energy consumption. On average, between 5 and 10% of a building's energy is consumed by its elevators, therefore elevators contribute to between 1.5-3.0% of global energy consumption. This is expected to rise as the global urban population grows from 55% in 2018 to 68% in 2050. Therefore, more vertical building development and, therefore, more elevators will be required. Consequently, there is a growing market for a product that reduces energy usage in elevators and, therefore, the carbon footprint of buildings as cities try to move towards net zero emissions targets.

Comment ça marche

An electric motor must brake when the elevator car is less than half empty and ascending, or when the elevator car is more than half full and descending. It can do this by rotating in the reverse direction, hence acting as a generator, which will slow down the elevator to safe levels while simultaneously generating electrical energy. The retrofittable energy recovery system, comprised of a DC-DC converter and a supercapacitor bank, will mean most of the energy that would have otherwise been wasted, is stored for later use in the elevator. The bank of 36 supercapacitors allows for effective energy storage (charging and discharging) in a high-cycle stop-start application such as an elevator system. The DC-DC converter allows energy to flow in and out of the device in a bi-directional manner. Approximately 70% of the previously wasted energy will be recovered and reused in the elevator, reducing the total energy consumption of the entire system by around 30%.

Processus de conception

The elevator's energy recovery relies on efficient storage of reclaimed energy, evaluated across economic, practical, sustainability, and effectiveness factors. The preferred solution, a supercapacitor system, offered modularity, small size, and durability over alternatives like batteries and flywheels. Additional efficiency strategies included counterweight adjustments and grid feedback, though not considered essential. Integrating supercapacitors with bidirectional converters ensured versatility without grid reliance. Before the detailed design phase, a case study building provided elevator usage and energy data, while a thorough risk assessment addressed safety and regulatory concerns. Adhering to existing elevator standards was crucial throughout this project. A final product using specially selected electrical components has been developed with detailed circuit schematics and CAD models including an FEA and heat flow analysis of the wall-mounted device. A life-cycle assessment was conducted to minimize environmental impact. A business case was developed to explore energy and cost savings for potential investors, including plans for prototyping, testing, and industry deployment.

En quoi est-il différent ?

While balancing cost and functionality, the highlight of this design is the sustainability credentials. The entire life cycle of the product has been considered using a life cycle assessment (LCA). It can be found from the comprehensive LCA that the production of one device emits 360.39kg CO2 eq. However, it can then be found from the lifetime energy savings provided in a low-use building that over a products lifetime, 15100kg of CO2 eq is saved. Using these numbers, it can further be calculated that the device requires 315 operational days to become carbon neutral and from that point onwards, carbon negative. To provide a real-world perspective, the carbon savings from one product equate to the emissions generated by flying from London to Sydney 8.4 times. The carbon savings for implementing the device in a high-duty building such as a hospital yield an increased value of 39700kg of CO2 eq, which is now the equivalent of 22.1 flights from London to Sydney.

Plans pour l'avenir

To bring this product to market, the next step is creating a sample product, starting with a minimum viable product (MVP) for testing. Testing key components ensures adherence to specifications. Progressing to small-scale elevator systems within a testing facility ensures expected functionality when scaled up. Refinements at each testing stage optimize the system and identify shortcomings before market release. Customer feedback and diagnostics drive continuous improvements, including component updates and recycling considerations. Regular product renewals sustain competitiveness. A Gantt chart is produced to show this step-by-step plan.


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