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Ergo-Mow is a bicycle modification designed to provide efficient and ergonomic improvement to the agricultural tasks of weeding and harvesting in response to labor shortages in tropical regions.

  • /CAD Render of Ergo-Mow

  • Video describing Ergo-Mow

    Video describing Ergo-Mow

  • Infographic of Agricultural Employment

  • Prototype

  • Drawing

  • Simulation Results

Ce qu'il fait

We have designed a reel mower inspired attachment intended to clear vegetation which can be installed in place of the front wheel of a bicycle. The mechanism can be adjusted in diameter to accommodate variable height vegetation and uneven terrain.

Votre source d'inspiration

For many parts of the world, agriculture holds great economic and cultural significance. We met with H.L del Mel coconut plantation in Sri Lanka to better understand challenges associated with this work which highlighted weeding as a strenuous task related to declining interest towards agriculture. While industrial solutions such as tractors have been invested in at H.L del Mel, they are an ill fit for the dense undergrowth and poorly aggregated soils of tropical regions. We identify a gap in the market between fully mechanized and manual approaches to these tasks which we address with accessible modifications to existing devices.

Comment ça marche

Reel mowers use a series of helical blades that rotate near a fixed external blade to cut grass similar to a pair of scissors. By pedaling, the wheel rotates which traps weeds and grasses and continuously feeds new vegetation into the system as the bike moves. Both the internal blades and external blades can be adjusted in the case of uneven terrain or taller tropical vegetation. The ends of the blades are set into grooves on a spiral disk which can rotate to adjust the radius of the blade structure. While in motion, the spiral disk rotates with the road wheels via friction which must be loosened via a screw for adjustment. Ergo-Mow is steered similarly to a bike. A ratchet stops the wheels from rotating in opposite directions during turning which could damage the internal structure. The external blade can be adjusted by sliding the frame on a curved rail. Ergo-Mow replaces the bike stem, bolting to an ordinary road bike with minimal permanent changes.

Processus de conception

Our team was initially inspired by a video from Business Insider on the ergonomic challenges of Jackfruit harvesting and interviewed numerous companies for more information. We had designs for rotating drums and an improved machete to address the collection of fruit and severing of stems respectively. However, meeting with representatives from H. L. del Mel coconut plantation drew attention to the task of weeding which lacked a device tailored for the conditions of tropical regions. We needed a device with better ergonomics, simple operation, accessibility, and low cost which led us to the commercial bicycle. Investigating existing devices for vegetation control pointed towards the reel mower, weed whacker, and bush hog as a possible attachment to the frame of a bike. Prototypes were designed for each attachment but the reel mower was chosen for stability provided by the expanded three wheel design and overall functionality. After receiving positive feedback from H. L. del Mel for our prototype, we continued design. For operation in tropical conditions, modifications allowing for adjustable internal and external blades were necessary for uneven terrain and larger blade structure to tackle thicker and taller vegetation. We concluded our design with an ergonomic REBA analysis.

En quoi est-il différent ?

Ergo-Mow fills the gap between industrial equipment and pure, manually operated tools used in agriculture allowing for an increase in the abilities of individual workers without the cost of more complex devices. In addition, current mechanized solutions are not designed to handle rough terrain and tropical agricultural environments. Ergo-Mow provides a balance of improved efficiency and a form factor small enough to navigate narrow routes in dense vegetation. Leveraging existing bicycle infrastructure in rural communities, Ergo-Mow is easy to implement and provides a familiar interface for users to operate the attachment. Compared to traditional reel mowers designed to be used on grasses of heights 2-6 inches, our design is capable of adjusting to tackle both short and tall grasses. While existing reel mowers can adjust the external blade via a screw, we provide greater range of adjustment allowing for both internal and external blades to be adjusted.

Plans pour l'avenir

Future designs will improve installation methods onto commercial bike frames with a focus on simplicity and reduction of material cost. In our next iterations of the prototype, our team will continue to work with the H L de Mel Plantation to refine and test designs. For functionality, we aim to improve the efficacy of the blade design along with an improved steering mechanism. The rotating blades could be incorporated into a feeder system that enables coconut collection by trapping coconuts between the internal and external blades. Long term, we hope through the success of Ergo-Mow, our team can leverage bicycle power in other manual tasks.


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