Cosa fa?
SunLed is a new lighting system that uses daytime solar energy to later illuminate any room. The objective of this project is decreaseing the price of light bills, reducing the nightly consumption of electric light.
La tua ispirazione
Families invest every year more money in the light bill. The increases in consumption become even greater during the night and the origin of energy companies is not 100% renewable. During the day there is plenty of light, but at night we use the energy provided by power companies, so the idea was trying to take advantage of the energy that gives us the sun during the day, and use it at night: We wanted to "save" some of the sunlight for the night hours. SunLed harnesses the energy of the sun captured by small solar panels and stores it for use at night.
Come funziona?
The SunLed system captures sunlight photons through the transparent photovoltaic panels installed in the blinds, and the semiconductor materials of these transform them into a continuous stream of electrons. This is then taken into a regulator, which will distribute a value of all this current to the batteries / accumulators and another part of this direct current will be destined to the LED illumination.
Processo di progettazione
After an exhaustive study of several society problems, we decided to prioritize the high price of light bills and the great dependence we have on the contribution of power companies. We realized that the population is not able to continue advancing if it lacks something as important as lighting, so we decided that it was essential changing the traditional system of solar panels and without doing a complex installation. We wanted to use the blind system that in Southern European is used, incorporating all the functions that we needed to capture the light, besides to prevent the passage of light if the user don't want to.
In che modo è differente?
SunLed is introduce these innovations: - Use transparent solar panels that let in the daylight. - It takes the daylight and provides a light that comes from a blind that occupies the whole window: an ambient light, natural, very similar to the light of day. - Avoid the need to use blinds because it has the ability to prevent the light from entering.
Progetti per il futuro
The evolution of our project in the future would be oriented towards those countries in which the hours of sun are smaller. We would use the existence of other natural phenomena that take place in these zones (rains, winds ...). It would be very useful to obtain the same efficiency as in countries where there are more hours of sun.
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