Vincitore Nazionale

Cloud of Sea

Cloud of Sea is a product that helps humankind to clean the micro-plastics present in the sea allowing humans to be the solution to plastic pollution.

  • Cloud of Sea (prototype photo)

  • Concept (prototype photo)

  • What is it

  • How it's made

  • How it functions - the product is immersed in water. (prototype photo)

Cosa fa?

Cloud of Sea is an innovative user-friendly tool, adaptable to any type of boat, which encourages and facilitates seafarers interested in the health of the marine world, to remove microplastics that contaminate the waters of our planet.

La tua ispirazione

Due to human recklessness planet earth is currently facing drastic changes that affect the entire ecosystem. First of all the problems, because of its indisputable nature, is the marine world. It occupies 71% of the earth’s surface and has been used for many years now as a container to hide and throw away human waste, so it has become contaminated by plastic waste. The idea of ​​the project was born of the desire to create a solution to the problem present in the marine world through a system that makes collecting waste easier and routinised for seafarers.

Come funziona?

Cloud of Sea is a product designed to be hooked on to all boats using ropes. The product contains an internal rotating filter that can capture micro-plastics in the water. The system is composed of 4 parts: two external parts that make up the water passage channel and hold the rope, a removable central ring and the rotating internal filter. The shape of the tool is inspired by fishing nets for small organisms such as plankton and fenders. The external surface recalls the texture of the shells which together with the wing-shaped section of the product it creates a friction with the water allowing for water flow into the filter. The central ring acts as a pin for the correct rotation of the helix-shaped filter.The internal filter is made up of a semi-rigid membrane that has holes that taper inwards, allowing the entry of plastic particles but not their escape.

Processo di progettazione

The design concept was born with the need to help anyone able to sail the waters to collect the micro-plastics present in the waters. In the first design phase, I concentrated on identifying a solution that could be adaptable to all types of boats. Later I studied the mechanics and the shape of the product through digital and physical simulations, to provide the best quality ratio but with the least energy loss due to the friction with the aquatic surface. The first prototypes made were created to identify the best shape for the filter. Through many prototypes of propellers I came up with the solution of a three-arm asymmetrical propeller.

In che modo è differente?

Cloud of Sea differs from other systems for the collection of micro-plastics for various reasons. First of all it moves in the sea via a boat so therefore it does not need any other source of energy to move through the sea to collect micro-plastics. Secondly, it is an intuitive product and allows for easy carryover and sorting of rubbish on the shore. Lastly, this product can be sold to port areas, where sailors rent it and in return receive discounts within the port, promoting a new type of system for the protection of the sea.

Progetti per il futuro

The next step for the Cloud of Sea project is to improve the mechanical component of the product as much as possible by means of other technical tests at sea. I hope this project can be introduced within the main port areas, so as to generate not only a new product to combat pollution of the sea, but also to encourage all people to help the environment and trigger a new system that helps both humankind and the marine world.



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