

Ventila is a green-household ventilator that removes fine dust from plants and humans. We have secured a virtuous circle that protects the existing ventilation system and protects it by protecting it from air pollution.


Ventila is a green-household ventilator that removes fine dust from plants and humans. We have secured a virtuous circle that protects the existing ventilation system and protects it by protecting it from air pollution.


My grandmother runs a green house. When I work in the green house sometimes, I can see how much ventilation is important to the green house. Now we are living in fine dust. Fine dust is fatal to plants as well as the elderly. However, the vinyl house ventilation system does not seem to recognize the problem of fine dust at all. So we're aiming at this problem, and we aim to get rid of ventilation and air purging.


The ventila is divided into two parts. In the front part, negative ion water vapor creates a barrier to combine with fine dust. Peltier effect was used for the part on the back. The Peltier electron combines two types of conductors and allows current to flow. One side is heated and the temperature rises. On the other side, It is a phenomenon that the temperature is low due to endotherm. Submersible will cling to low temperature walls. We will lower the temperature on one side to coagulate the water vapor and extract it. After the fine dust and water vapor are extracted, the remaining clean air is ventilated inside the vinyl house using a fan.


I need to study more accurately to be a problem. So I studied about the problem and planned how to approach it. As a result, we aimed at designing a complex system of ventilation and air purification at once. Fine dust is neutralized when it meets with negative ions, and based on fact, we decided to make an ionization device with a device that can catch fine dust. Prototypes were produced using the principle of humidifier among ionization devices. Experiments were conducted mainly using charcoal powder which is visually well visible. The performance test was carried out according to the presence or absence of the ionization device, and positive results were obtained. In addition, we had to catch water vapor combined with fine dust. So I made a prototype by thinking of Peltier device. As a result, we concluded that prototype ventilation and air purification capabilities were efficient and reliable.


The existing green house mist fountain system existed, but it was a system in which the fine dust penetrated into the soil of the green house as it was, not the system considering the humidity of the vinyl house. Our products can be made into a farm with a good environment by minimizing the fine dust accessibility to the interior of the green house.


We have not been able to make prototypes using the Peltier effect because of the monetary shortage. In the future, we will create a prototype using Peltier effect and a steam coagulation system that will show more positive effects. And I'm going to make a solar prototype.



