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Rotiphera – Smart Rotifers Management

Rotiphera automates the quantification of rotifer populations and feeding needs, providing real-time data for intelligent resource utilization to support zebrafish and fish hatchery managers.

O que faz

Rotifers are vital zooplankton for fish larvae' survival. Rotifer populations crash occurs due to inaccurate quantification and food variability. Rotiphera automates rotifer quantification and adjusts their feed, improving fish survival and food availability.

A sua inspiração

Our inspiration was born out of the hatchery and zebrafish facility managers need for an integrated solution to manage rotifer populations, to reduce human counting errors and adjust the required microalgae feed needs, saving time, labor costs and resources. The idea results from the brainstorm of our multidisciplinary team by combining electronics, imaging and computer vision. Rotifera is a solution for the absence of a rotifer automated management system that tackles current inefficient practices and promotes a more sustainable use of resources and increases the production outputs in aquaculture and zebrafish research facilities.

Como funciona

Rotiphera employs precise pumping for autonomous sampling, directly from the rotifer culture tanks, enabling real-time detection, quantification, and categorization of the rotifer culture and determine feeding needs. This is achieved through a locally-executed object detection mode deployed on an edge computing device. The imaging process includes an optical system attached to a camera that captures sample data while pumping. The collected information is then processed to accurately provide precise rotifer counts, calculate the microalgae feeding dosages, and gather population and movement data for novel comprehension of rotifer populations. Its expandable design allows future integration of external sensors to monitor key culture-related variables such as pH, temperature, and ammonia concentrations for correlation with collected data. Management of rotifer cultures streamlines human resources, allowing them to focus on critical tasks in the fish hatcheries.

Processo de design

Our design process started with an analysis of the challenges in rotifer cultivation and microalgae feeding management in collaboration with end-users - the fish hatchery and zebrafish facility managers. Using our expertise in aquaculture, electronics, imaging, and computer vision, we conceptualized an automated, expandable, and efficient system. The initial prototype was focused on motor control for automated sampling, a key factor for precise data collection. We then developed an optical system for imaging, based on a microscope with a camera attached. This setup allowed real-time rotifer detection, quantification, and categorization via OpenCV, along with a locally executed, resource-efficient object detection model for edge computing. We improved data collection conditions by testing different flow rates and sampling chambers, setting the stage for modifications and further application in other liquid culture analyses. Subsequently, hardware was chosen for computation and control, with future expandability in mind. Components like tubing and sampling chambers were chosen based on availability and low cost. These early models guided our 3D designs for the 3D-printed device enclosure. We're currently refining our prototype for field testing.

Por que motivo é diferente

There are no equipment able to perform autonomous rotifer counts on the market, making Rotiphera a unique and necessary product. Rotiphera stands out in its ability for real time rotifer quantification, number of eggs per female and percentage of bearing eggs, movement pattern and feeding needs determination. It provides alerts and notifications on culture status, with the possibility of correlation of collected data with added installation of external sensors. Moreover, it offers data output generation for further analysis and research. This autonomous equipment is versatile since its features can be easily adjusted (e.g. number of samplings) and its customizable. There are non-pratical software and equipment that indirectly and inefficiently count rotifers, not offering these automated data collection capabilities. Existing methods are time-consuming and inefficient while Rotiphera offers a direct, autonomous, customizable, expandable and efficient solution.

Futuros planos

Future developments include a multi-tank monitoring system, enhancing operational efficiency at scale, handling data from multiple tanks for optimizing feeding schedules, and maintaining ideal rotifer numbers. It will pave the way for a fully automated rotifer culture, monitoring key parameters impacting rotifer populations as ammonia levels, with predictive analytics for early crash detection, advanced alerts for environmental shifts, and enhanced hatchery software integration. As an IoT endpoint, Rotiphera will continue transmitting key data for model enhancement, fostering sustainable aquaculture and research advancement.


Rotiphera was awarded 1st place in the ocean sustainability category in the 2021 ideation and entrepreneurship contest: Ideias em Caixa organized by CGD and the University of Algarve. The ideation process and award significantly contributed to idea refinement, design, and business plan development via tailored mentoring.

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