

"zerogap" helps people with paralyzed lower limbs shorten the distance between the wheelchair and the toilet, providing them with a more secure and comfortable way of transferring.

  • zerogap, zero risk


"zerogap" helps people with paralyzed lower limbs shorten the distance between the wheelchair and the toilet, providing them with a more secure and comfortable way of transferring, making the high-risk transferring process simple and safe.


Most wheelchair users with paralyzed lower limbs face the difficulty of moving from the wheelchair and using the toilet. If there is no assistance, they usually cannot proceed smoothly. Some users use the method of grabbing the armrest and throwing their body onto the toilet. But this kind of action is very dangerous for people who are unable to exert force with their lower limbs.


Structure 1. Structure seat : The seat that can be stowed allows the user to approach the toilet backwards, eliminating the gap between the wheelchair and the toilet. 2. Streamline handrail : The armrest shape design allows the user to easily access the toilet and return to the wheelchair. 3. Modeling seat tail : Utilizing the overall design of the chair cushion, the process of getting on and off the toilet is smoother. How To Use 1. Push the wheelchair back to the toilet and let the wheelchair serve as a bridge. 2. Press the button to unlock and open the backrest of the chair. 3. Grab the handle and comfortably sit on the toilet.


Keep thinking of which way to transfer is better. From side, front or back. And through various prototype to find out the best answer.


Enable people with paralyzed lower limbs to use the toilet without any difficulties, which make them have a comfortable and restful experience and build self-confidence.


Strengthen the structural strength, then try and test feasible institutions. Providing people with paralyzed lower limbs with a more secure and comfortable way of transferring.


